Wednesday, March 2, 2011

See the CENMAR--A New CR Trail

It was much colder today, March 2, than March 1, which meant I wore long underwear for the morning commute--but I still rode my bike! With 2 pairs of socks, I wasn't too cold--luckily, the wind was from the northwest, which meant it was only a problem for brief periods on my mostly southward commute.

Anyway, yesterday, March 1, as I blogged, was a very nice day.

I texted Audrey, my wife, in the afternoon to see if she wanted to go for a walk around the MMU neighborhood, but she was meeting my daughter and grandkids for a stroll around the Bowman Woods area where we live.

I have bell choir practice in the Chapel of Mercy every Tuesday at 5, and just on a lark, at 4:30 I decided to check out the CENMAR trail. The newly opened trail terminates right across Prairie Drive from Regis Middle School, so it was easy to get to.

The photo shows the trail with late afternoon shadows crossing it; I was about as far north as I could go on the short stretch that starts near MMU--this is looking south at the north end.

The trail itself is (as a new trail should be) in excellent shape. It's a bit barren now, but grass hasn't started to come up. I hope the city will plant some trees nearby to shade it a bit--nearby utility lines means that they can't be full-sized trees, but even a few crabapples or redbuds would provide some cover. Please plant them just west of the trail, so on sunny summer afternoons there will a bit of relief.

Anyway, I had plenty of time--the whole trial, round trip, was about a 5-minute ride, and that's old-man, bum-knee, going slow minutes.

Not to complain. I'm excitetd that the city is building the CENMAR trail and happy to use even this tiny piece of it. When it's done, it may become my new commuting route, because I can get to the Boyson Trail in Marion very quickly from my house--we'll see!

For now, happy trails!

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