Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In Which 100 Miles Must Be Enough Because I Did It

What did I do? Registered for the Des Moines Register’s RAGBRAI, that is. Team “CR Joe” rides again! I’m the last of the cohort from last year to register, which seems fitting, somehow. As a biker, and a team leader, I like to lead from behind.

I’m not all done—I have not paid RAGBRAI yet, and am waiting to see if anybody joins our merry band before I “close” the group and submit my credit card number. But, the Rubicon has been crossed and the Missouri and Mississippi will be touch by tires, at least in spirit (I usually do the end dip but haven't ever bothered with the start dip).

And this registration date comes as, so far this year, I have ridden 100 miles. There must be some symbolism there—ride 100 miles in an Iowa winter and it’s clear you’re crazy enough for RAGBRAI. Something like that.
We are in! The group numbered 42220, which means it starts with the answer to life, the universe and everything if only we knew the question, exists again in 2014. If you want to join, we would consider you. Contact me, y'all. I'm planning to pay by the start of spring break, which is the last week of March, so about two weeks left to join my team, and RAGBRAI week-long riders have to be "in" on the RAGBRAI site by April 1 even if they aren't in enough to be in team CR Joe.

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