Thursday, February 21, 2013

In Which The Trail Awaits The Snow

The Cedar River Trail, where it crosses McLeod Run and then loops under the bridge. You see the trail on both the left and the right, empty of all but one lone photographer/biker. Despite grey, cool winter desolation, there is a charm to the landscape--but I"m ready for the landscape to green up and get a whole lot more of spring charm going!
Well, blog fans, I didn’t ride Wednesday, which was not quite a cold as Tuesday, because I had an early class in the morning and ran out of time.

But I did ride today. It was chilly, but not as crazy a day to be out there as Monday was. Anyway, a winter snowstorm is due to hit Cedar Rapids this afternoon, but fortunately I don’t have any afternoon classes, so I was able to head home around 12:30 p.m.

I decided, for no particular reason, to take the Cedar River Trail. It was cool, and a bit grey and desolate, and it’s a bit odd to be on the trail in winter. It’s a much greener, more pleasant place in spring or summer. And I had the whole trail to myself—again, very different from warmer weather.

A few flakes were floating down by the time I made it home, but now, 2 hours later, the storm is still making its slow approach. Still, today's longer ride was definitely more pleasant than Monday’s cold one!

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