Wednesday, May 23, 2018

In Which I Top 20 on a Warm Summer-Like Day

On the Boyson Trail early in the evening. Buggy, but pretty night.

Muggy and warm—I am hoping to get some serious miles in soon, top 40 in a day, for example. I didn’t quite meet that goal today, which was kind of my first day of summer riding, because I was busy during the day doing other things—picking out plants in the morning, picking up grandchildren from school in the afternoon.

So I don’t feel too bad about the rides I was able to fit in. I rode just over 8 miles in the morning, and 12 miles in the evening, so I did manage 20 miles today.

It was a good day for RAGBRAI training—a warm, muggy day, but not really too hot for biking. The morning ride was on the mountain bike, and I still have to figure out how to really get the seat where I want it. I rode it because I was going to the gym and decided to do a ride on the nearby Boyson and Lindale trails. Because most of those trails are crushed limestone and we’ve had wet weather recently, I anticipated the trails might be mushy.

And they were, in part, but honestly they were in better shape than I expected.

Climbing hill on Lindale Trail.

By the afternoon, I was brave enough to hit the same trials on my hybrid bike. The afternoon ride started with meeting my daughter and grandson, and riding to some parks. Then, after dropping the daughter and grandson off for the night, we rode over to the Boyson Trail. We didn’t ride as much of the trial as I had in morning, partly because my wife has a computer on her bike and came up with the goal of our reaching 12 miles for our evening ride, which we were not that far from.

Today was a good start to summer rides, but I hope to get some real distance in yet this week.

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