Thursday, April 26, 2018

In Which A Sunny Day and Vertigo Equals 20 Miles

Rockwell-Collins pond on C Avenue this morning.

It was another sunny, warm day in Iowa. After a cool and damp early April, it’s suddenly a spring of sunshine and warmth. Also, on the dry side, but after doing the cloudy snow thing just a week ago or so, I guess we’ll take it.

There were several riders on the C Avenue bike path this morning—perhaps now that warmer weather is here, more of us are riding to work. Drivers may gripe a bit, but actually traffic on C will move more smoothly if more bikes means fewer cars.

Busy morning commute on C Avenue bike lane.

I was scheduled to go to the doctor this afternoon. Having started blood pressure medication last year, I have periodic check ins. The news on the pressure was good, although I’m having some problems with vertigo. The PA I saw had me lay down to test it, and I almost passed out. “I’ll call that a positive result,” she said, in humorous PA understatement.

Turns out I’ll need physical therapy to restore crystals in my inner ear. Fortunately, the place I’ll have to go to have my inner ears retooled is right by the bike trail.

After the ride to the doctor’s office, I attended the Multicultural Fair at Mount Mercy University, meeting some grandchildren there. Then, I gave my 2-year-old grandson a ride to Thomas Park to meet up again with his cousins for some play time.

And when play time was over, the grandson requested a bike ride home, and I obliged.

It was a wonderful day to be out riding. My vertigo issue is only an issue if I either sit or arise quickly, or look sharply up or down—none of which has caused any issues with biking, nice to say.

And on this warm day I rode close to 20 miles. It was, all in all, a very good biking day.

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