Sunday, August 9, 2020

In Which the First Commute is a Warm One

Swallowtail butterfly seen off of C Avenue early in ride. I had my good camera, because I planned to make some images of gardens on campus in addition to working in my office for a while.

I needed some files from campus as fall preparations warm up, so despite the hot day today in Iowa, this afternoon it was time to bike to campus. It was sort of the opening commute to work of the new term--it's over a week before the first official meeting, but there's lots to do now.

Of course, I partly just wanted to bike. I’ve been too busy lately to have much saddle time, and despite the humid sunshine, today was the day. I got the Fancy Beast out, mostly because I didn’t want to open the garage door—my wife was trying to nap and it’s noisy.

So I got the bike from under the back deck, aired a low back tyre, and got ready to go. But, I had grabbed the air pump and closed the front door, thoughtfully locking the door so my sleeping wife would not be disturbed.

Monarch butterfly
Saw this monarch on flower in side garden as I was getting bike out. I rescued a male Monarch from a spider's web this week, and this could be the same one--not easy to see from this side, but the telltale spot on the back wing is visible, if more subtle on th. Male monarch's have a spot on each back rear wing, females do not.

Flower at MMU
Flower in pollinator garden at Mount Mercy University.

Except, I had neglected to grab keys. And I could not get into my office—or even back into the house—without them.

Well, I texted my wife, left her a voice mail message, and decided I would just go for a bike ride until I heard from her.

Bike parked at MMU
My bike parked at Mount Mercy University campus next to building where I have my office.  
Bike detour
On bike lane I rarely use--but it was part of a detour around a closed part of Cedar River Trail north of J Avenue. A few more images of the detour route:
Bike detour
Detour signs
Left turn hear would be dicey in rush hour traffic. Not bad late on a Saturday afternoon.

Detour sign
Heading home from Cedar Lake, Cedar Trail is closed a J Avenue. I do give CR credit, they usually do mark a detour for a closed bike trail and not all towns do that.

She heard her phone and called while I was still nearby. So much for being nice and not disrupting her nap. Fortunately, she was able to got to sleep after unlocking the front door for me.

I cycle to campus, did some work, and took the Cedar River Trail home, passing around Cedar Lake on the way. All in all, work was a bit frustrating, as I am afraid work will be this school year, but the bike ride, despite it being about 90 and humid, was pleasant. And about 15 miles. The route home was slightly complicated by a detour on the Cedar River Trail--beware of this, CR bike riders. No big deal.

Ride map
A submarine on it's side? Profile of man with bad bow tie? What is this image?

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