Thursday, March 16, 2023

In Which A Buck Has One Antler

March 4--Lindale Trail. Deer are plentiful in the modest woods along creek beds that parallel local trails.

March 4--It's been damp lately, and in a temporary pond in woods near Linn-Mar High School, a duck pair enjoys the wet.

March 4--Late afternoon like on trail off of Boyson Trail.

I’ve made decent use of my spring break. With some day trips planned and some bad weather, I’ haven’t gone on any super long rides, but I have accumulated a few miles.

My longest ride was March 12, when I went almost 24 miles on my road bike. This morning, March 16, I managed to get a few miles in, but the day turned to a cold rain so the ride was rather constrained. As I write this, it’s snowing, with the coldest St. Patrick’s Day in years expected tomorrow.

But I’ve rolled over 155 miles during this inconsistent March, and have just over 447 for the year. And I’ve been pretty good about doing the GHC (gratuitous hills climb) on each ride—gong up the neighborhood hill during this morning’s rain-shortened ride, for example.

Bike at end of Grant Wood Trail
March 11--Road bike at end of pavement on Grant Wood Trail. Beyond that, on limestone, snow has not yet melted, but I'm out in the county now, warmer March weather means trails in the countryside are becoming passable.

Mount bikeon trail
March 12--The Fancy Beast, my mountain bike, on the Boyson Trail. I have ridden a bit on the limestone, but it can be a bit mushy. Got a bit muddy on this ride and my wife kindly washed my coat and vest.
March 12--Snowman seen on ride is a bit, well, leaning.

During a 15-mile ride March 15, I encountered many deer along the Boyson Trail. A herd of maybe 15 was up on the hill as I headed down the side trail to Menard’s. And on the way back, a much smaller group, maybe six, crossed the trail in front of me—one of them a big buck who had just one antler.

I supposed winter is when bucks lose them, and it probably has not shed both yet.

Mountain Trail
March 13--Took a look at woodland mountain bike trail off of the Boyson Trail, and decided it's too muddy today. Will have to save that trail--maybe Friday or Saturday when it's frozen solid?

March 13--Buck with one antler crossed trail in front of me.

March 13--Deer by trail.

Well, one-antlered buck, this old biker was happy to see you, happy to be riding the first spring ride sans coat, hat and gloves, glad, even as snow is falling now and a winter chill settles in, that spring is on its way.

And glad, despite the chills, that I’ve ben lucky to get some miles in.

Goose by Cedar Lake
March 15--Goose by Cedar Lake, Windy day, some clouds, but warmest day of the week with temperature in the 50s.

Biker dressed for ride
March 15--First bike ride sans coat and other winter gear.

Sky at Cedar Lake
March 15--Mostly cloudy day, but some breaks, which makes for interesting sky at Cedar Lake.

Moth on garage door
March 16--As I get bike out of garage, I notice this moth, first insect of spring. Hope it finds a hiding place as snow fell that evening and temps dipped way below freezing.

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