Saturday, February 18, 2023

In Which I Contemplate Trees, Turtles and Humans

Cedar Lake
Feb. 4--Cedar Lake, shadows on snow.

Cemetery light
Feb. 4--20 mile ride today. Pretty light and shadows at Mount Calvary Cemetery.

It’s been a while, bike pals. The weather in Iowa this February has been all over the place. Deep cold, followed by spring warm, followed by snowfalls (missed school on two Thursdays in a row due to snow, and snow is in the forecast for next week—on Thursday).

I’ve managed a couple of rides on my road bike Argent, but most riding in February, due to ice and snow, has been on The Fancy Beast, my trusty old mountain bike.

Two of my longer rides were Friday, Feb. 17 and today, Feb. 18.  It snowed 7 inches or so on Thursday, so no riding that day. Friday morning the wind-chill was well below zero, so I drove to work. But by afternoon it was in the low 20s. I came home in the afternoon, donned my winter gear and headed out.

Light on bridge
Feb. 10--Low sun at bridge on Lindale Trail.

I decided to ride close to home. Due to snow the day before, I wanted to do trails, which I knew would be reasonably ride-able. I headed up C Avenue to the Lindale Trail and rode towards the new trail that goes behind Linn-Mar High School.

I gambled that the short stretch on unpaved trail would be OK, because although the sun was melting some snow on pavement, I figured the limestone surface would be mostly frozen. Despite some soft spots, it was OK.

I was riding late in the afternoon, and as light faded and the wind picked up a bit, I admit was getting a bit cold. My feet, in particular, were letting me know that they were displeased with my life decision, but I pushed on. If cold, it was also quite sunny and pretty. The later afternoon light in February is quite nice.

Lindale Trail
Feb. 17--Sunshine on Lindale Trail. Trail mostly clear day after snowfall.

Feb. 17--I notice something in the woods near Linn-Mar High School. See how the trees are all close in size and growing in neat rows?

Feb. 17--Shadow of CR Biker on trail during afternoon ride.

Bike in front of house
Feb. 17--Bike in front of my house before afternoon ride.

As I rode behind the high school, I noticed something I hadn’t before. The woods along the creek—the trees are approximately the same trunk size. And they are growing in rows, like a field of corn.

This “woods” isn’t the wilds at all—I’m riding by a cultivated field of trees. When were they planted? What was the goal of the tree planter not so many years ago? I enjoy these woods, and my pleasure at them isn’t lessened realizing that they didn’t spring spontaneously, but were planned and planted.

Today, it was warmer, more comfortable, for riding, although the sunshine was less intense, the sky a bit milky. I headed east on the trail, the goal today was Waldo’s Rock Park.

Bike trail
Feb. 18--Mystery bike near Waldo's Rock on Grant Wood Trail. A child's bike, but no child.

Geese at Waldo's Rock Park
Geese fly over Waldo's Rock at Waldo's Rock Park.
Feb. 18--Another biker circles pond at Waldo's Rock Park.

While I was paused, making some images, another biker stopped and chatted. He rides around the Waldo’s Rock pond often in summer, and remarked it lacks turtles—possible because it lacks logs or rocks at its edge. Turtles need basking spots to warm themselves, and he is hoping the city will add some stones or something for their sake.

Another human intervention in the landscape. One that I wouldn’t mind—rocks and turtles at Waldo’s Rock. Sounds good, to me.

Winter is still hanging on. Some days. It’s spring on other days. Biking continues, and, I hope, will increase in coming weeks.

Except on Thursdays. These days, every Thursday is snowstorm day.

So far in February, 97.7 miles. Year’s total so far, 228.52 miles.

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