Saturday, March 19, 2022

In Which Birds of Spring Squawk ‘Go Away’

Cedar River
Headed downtown on trail, by Cedar Lake.

Cedar River
Cedar River, viewed on ride east on Otis Road.

Prairie Park Fishery
Lake at Prairie Park Fishery.

Late afternoon sun at Cedar Lake
Headed north on trail, once again passing Cedar Lake.

I encountered him about 16 miles into a 22-mile ride. A red-winged blackbird sat by the bridge where the Cedar River Trail passes over the Cedar River Trail (a couple of miles north of Cedar Lake the trail does a little loop and crosses itself).

I couldn’t see the red well on his wing because of the way he was sitting, but when wind ruffled his feathers, there was a peek his wing patches. Anyway, he was only maybe 6 feet from me, at the same level since he was in the canopy of a tree rooted at the base of the bridge, and he wasn’t backing down.

The blackbird wasn't singing in the dead of night, he was yelling in the light of day right by the trail. "Bikers, stay away!"
Another look at blackbird
A turn to the left.

Spring. Birds in Iowa get a bit wacko—reproduction induced aggressive. Blackbirds are very territorial and fearless for much of the spring and summer—the reason smart Iowans wear either hats or helmets. Talon protection. A blackbird may dive at you and try to do a quick warning scratch. Luckily, my trail guarder was content to just shout at me as I made images of him.

Well, it is the season. Soon, Geese will get mean. They are usually not shy birds anyway, but they get particularly defensive when babies are around.

Daffodils at MMU
Daffodils blooming at Warde Hall, Mount Mercy University campus.

Well, avian dinosaurs were a theme of the ride today. Although I have too much to do for next week (sis, I should have been grading too and will pay for it now), I couldn’t resist taking my first spring ride of some distance—over 20 miles—on this cool, sunny, windy day.

I headed out at 2:30 in the afternoon, riding first to campus. I wanted to see if flowers were in bloom there yet (did not see any). Campus was also convenient for a restroom break. Then I headed to Cedar Lake and downtown on the trail, intending to go south of the Cedar River.

But there is work going on at the south end of the Bridge of Lions, and I didn’t feel like doubling back to find the detour crossing, so instead I went east towards the Otis Road area on the new trail along the flood dike. My target was the Prairie Park Fishery, so between Cedar Lake, the Cedar River and the lake at the fishery, it was sort of a water-themed, as well as bird themed, spring ride.

Seen on Otis Road before I get to Prairie Park Fishery. Eagle.
Eagle again
Circling back.

The world in Iowa is still a brown place, but spring is in the air. Some new grass is just starting to get green, crocuses are starting to bloom and daffodils are knifing out of the soil, but Iowa isn’t get it’s lush, green growing season self yet. Still, the sky was a beautiful blue, bikers and walkers were out and the winter feeling is leaving my corner of the planet.

Along the Cedar River, I noticed a bit of ice still in some quiet, backwater areas. White gulls in force were gathered at the edge of the ice. Most of the river was open, however, and snow has almost all melted on land. Besides my pal the blackbird, I watched a robin foraging for early spring insects as I ate a snack at the fishery, and I also photographed an eagle that was flying west of me on Otis Road.

Gulls and ice on river
Ice at north edge of quiet area of Cedar River--with a gull party, too.

Robin hunts at Prairie Park Fishery.

Snack break
Selfie at mid-ride break, Prairie Park Fishery.

What a day! There were lots of other nice days this week, but because of a spring break trip to Chicago, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I did not get much bike riding in—one reason for the longer ride today. I rode 22.36 miles today, and a week ago, before the trip, added a few more, so for the past 8 days I have 29.65 miles, 88.33 for March so far, 351.48 for the year.

I’m sure I will ride tomorrow—I have to go to campus to get some work done—but won’t have time for such a long ride. Which is a shame, since it should be even warmer tomorrow. But still, today was a nice spring day, a sign, I hope, of longer rides to come.

As for today, the dinosaurs and I enjoyed it.

Bike on campus
Clarence, my hybrid bike, parked at Mount Mercy University.

Cedar River Trail
Sunshine on Cedar River Trail, pretty sunny day for a ride!

Map of ride
Map of ride.

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