Friday, December 28, 2018

In Which Winter Returns to Iowa

Cedar Lake is mostly iced over, but birds congregate on the patch of water at the north end of the lake on a cloudy Dec. 26, 2018.

The day after Christmas, 2018—rain was in the forecast. An Arkansas winter was the theme of the week, with sometimes bone-chilling wet rains, sometimes freezing drizzle and now and then a bit to snow.

Frankly, at this time of year, I would prefer the white stuff, thank you.

Anyway, skies were grey and rain was in the forecast for the afternoon, so I decided to go for a morning ride. My original plan was to start early and head south, maybe going far enough to check out a bit of the new trail on beyond Ely.

It was not to be. Christmas had been grand including mulled wine, a large feast and family games—I was not exactly bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning. I was not in bad shape, mind you, just tired and slept in.

By the time I puttered around, had a nice breakfast, read the paper, showered and dressed it was pushing 10. My weather ap said rain would start at 12:30 p.m., which proved wrong, but I still jettisoned my original plan and set out on a more modest ride.

I rode Argent, my road bike, figuring I need the practice on it, and I could cover the maximum distance in the shortest time. I pedaled down to Cedar Lake and circled it. A few hardy, brave souls were out jogging or walking around the lake, but I saw few other bikers and had the rest of the trail up and back to myself.

It felt damp and chilly and was also very cloudy—but despite the dullness of the day, I felt almost euphoric. I had not ridden in several days, and it felt grand to be on the bike, pumping away. Despite the whine of traffic on Interstate 380, the Cedar River Trail felt tranquil. I enjoy the quiet of a winter ride.

As it turned out, while the rain held off until later, it was the start of several wet or icy days. The morning after Christmas was my one ride in this, the last week of 2018. Given the snow and ice today, it's likely to stay that way.

Which makes the 16 miles I rode that day all the more delicious. And when I go home, my wife and youngest son were out on a walk. I texted them, picked them up and we headed to Taste of India for another post-Christmas feast. It was a nice after-bike ride celebration and a warming meal for the start of the cold, wet season here in Iowa.

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