Thursday, February 7, 2013

In Which I See The Light In Des Moines

Well, bike and blog pals, I’m hoping the winter bike commuting hiatus will come to an end soon. There are signs it might. I’m briefly in Des Moines, attending the Iowa College Media Association convention, feeling slightly guilty that I forgot to give my sister who lives here a heads up, but honestly I’m just going to pop into town and then scoot home, so there really wasn’t much time for a visit.

Anyway, it rained all the way here, and the snow is mostly gone. There was more in Cedar Rapids, but I bet even there the wet stuff melted much of the white stuff. It will have to dry up enough so that evening chills won’t make all pavement icy, but we’re close to biking seasons opening again.

I saw another sign while taking some students out to dinner after the Mount Mercy Times won nine awards at the newspaper convention. It was between 7 and 8, fully dark, and some brave soul on a yellow 10 speed was cycling in downtown Des Moines.

My sister?  Nah, her bike doesn't look that that at all, and he was a he. Well, at least he had lights!

Biking season is again soon to begin.

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