Monday, December 17, 2012

In Which CR Biker Is Seeing Future Snow

KCRG weather map of snow forcast, which I got from The Gazette,  Cedar Rapids is right in the pretty teal "y'all are gonna get dumped on" zone.

I regret that I did not bike this morning.  The reasons are complex.

The bike was in the shop Thursday of last week for what I thought was a broken spoke.  Turns out the rear axle had also snapped, so the bike shop recommended a new, hardier, wheel.

In the meantime, Audrey and I picked out a new basket, and installed the bracket to hold it.

But what with one thing and another, including an enjoyable time performing with a bell choir in a concert Sunday and some nice family time that day, I didn’t get my lights switched over from the old basket, and ran out of time this morning before I had to get to campus to give students a final exam.

“Give,” I suppose, is not as good a word as “administer.”  The A word sounds more sinister, and I’m sure in this season of giving that my students thought of it that way.

So I drove today.  It was cloudy and cool, but I totally could have biked.  And now this is in the forecast.

Well, I hope I get those lights in the right spots tonight.  I for sure want to ride Tuesday—it may be the last time for a while  Snow is finally on the way.

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